
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Liver Detox Foods to Avoid

When beginning a liver detox regimen, it is important to know which foods to avoid for the most efficient liver cleanse. It is not enough to simply take herbs and drink cleansing liquid formulas. Following is a list of foods to be avoided as well as other specifics you should know about food restriction and liver detox.


    The theory behind a liver detox is that because the liver is a filter for toxins, there will be times that filter becomes clogged and begins to function sluggishly. By avoiding foods and chemicals that may be overloading the liver and eating foods and herbs that promote liver health, the body is able to cleanse itself of the buildup, helping to clear up health issues and make a person feel better.

Types of Foods to Avoid

    Foods and drinks that should be avoided include:
    All dairy products, including milk, cheese, sour cream, butter and yogurt.
    Sugar, including all products containing sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup or dextrose.
    Artificial sweeteners.
    Gluten-containing foods such as products made from wheat, barley or rye. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is included as a gluten-containing food.
    Coffee or other caffeinated beverages other than green tea.
    All preservatives--No boxed or frozen dinners.
    All high-fat foods including but not limited to beef and pork. No mayonnaise or dressings including those with fat substitutes.
    Products containing yeast.

    Always read labels to be sure the food you consume does not contain any of the above ingredients.

Time Frame

    Depending on the restrictions of a particular liver detox plan, a cleanse might last from three days to several months. The majority of liver-cleansing plans have a seven- to 21-day duration.


    The cleansing of toxins from the liver and body is much like getting a tune-up and oil change on a car. Like a machine that is taken care of well, your bodily processes will work better when the parts are clean and "new." Those who praise liver detox claim to sleep better, digest food more efficiently, have clearer skin, have an increase in energy, experience less pain and have better concentration.


    It is important to consult with a doctor before beginning a liver detox plan. If you are pregnant or nursing, you should not be cleansing your liver. Those with diabetes, thyroid problems, anorexia, autoimmune disorders, kidney disease, heart problems, cancer or other chronic health issues should never detox without the permission and supervision of a reputable physician.

    Keep in mind that by giving up so many types of foods, you will be subjecting your body to a number of side effects, though most are said to disappear after the first few days, including:
    Mood swings
    Skin breakouts
    Weight loss

    When done over an extended period, liver detox can cause nutrition deficiencies. Cleansers should always go into a detox gradually by taking a few foods out of the diet at a time and then slowly begin adding some of those foods back to the diet when the cleansing time is over.


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