
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Raw Food Diet to Cure Candida

Many people may suffer from candida but not even be aware of it. Candida, a yeast that lives in the body, is thought to be responsible for many chronic illnesses. Treating and curing candida is necessary for ultimate health in the body, yet many mainstream physicians do not know enough about it and typically prescribe prescription medications to treat the symptoms instead of the candida itself.

What It Is

    Candida is a naturally occurring yeast found in the intestinal tract, mouth, throat and genitals. Normally this yeast lives in harmony with other microorganisms in the body and is nothing to be concerned of, unless the balance of bacteria is disturbed causing an overgrowth of yeast that then takes over the healthy microorganisms. When this happens, the yeast can make its way into the blood stream and enter other organs of the body which can cause a wide range of illnesses, syndromes and conditions.


    Some of the more common symptoms of candida include: intestinal gas, constipation and diarrhea; headaches, most commonly migraines; excessive fatigue; cravings for sweets; anxiety, mood swings and poor memory; hyperactivity; skin conditions such as acne and eczema; sinus inflammation; premenstrual syndrome; decreased libido; and muscle weakness.

Raw Food Diet

    Yeast thrives on sugar and therefore a diet consisting of processed foods, junk foods and foods made with white flour and sugar will cause an overgrowth of candida. One of the best ways to treat and cure candida is with a raw food diet that can supply the body with needed nutrients, vitamins and minerals to strengthen the immune system and literally starve the yeast.

    A raw food diet literally means that no cooking is involved and foods are consumed in their most natural state. It is thought that cooked and processed foods are devoid of many nutrients and are not used as well by the body. When first implementing a raw food diet it may be necessary to not go completely raw in the beginning until you get used to this type of eating since it can be discouraging and easier to give up sooner. Some people like to go about 75% raw when they start, gradually eating completely raw. As with any diet it is important to consult your health care provider first.

    Let's look at what to eat on a raw food diet:

    1. Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably organic when possible; eat a wide variety of the color of the rainbow to ensure you are getting a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Juicing is another way to incorporate fresh produce into the diet. A healthy juice consists of adding 1 clove of garlic, a handful of spinach and raw parsley to your fresh vegetables and fruits--this mixture helps to fight yeast.

    2. Raw dairy products that have not been pasteurized or homogenized. Raw milk and products made from raw milk such as kefir, butter and cheese have not been heated to high degrees, and they destroy good bacteria and nutrients, and are often easier for the digestive system to assimilate.

    3. Healthy fats that have been cold-pressed include extra virgin olive oil, walnut oil, sesame oil, flaxseed oil and extra virgin coconut oil. Other healthy fats include raw nuts and seeds, and avocados.

    4. Fermented foods that have been prepared with heating are good for the digestion and keep the alkaline/acid ratio in the body balanced which helps to fight yeast. These foods include: raw milk yogurt, kefir, natural sauerkraut, kombucha, kim chi, miso and tempeh.

    5. Purified water, green tea, and decaffeinated herbal teas. Xylitol and stevia can all be used as sweeteners.

Foods to Avoid

    When treating candida there are certain foods that should be avoided since they turn to sugar in the body when consumed, making yeast thrive. Always read labels to make sure there are not hidden ingredients such as sugar, fructose, wheat and hydrogenated oils. Even fruit juice concentrates and honey can be bad for candida. Be aware that if something claims to be organic or all natural it may not be.

    Avoid any form of sugar; white foods such as flour, sugar and rice; wheat and wheat products; corn, white potatoes, mushrooms and other fungi; peanuts and pistachios; vinegar or vinegar-based products; artificial sweeteners, additives and preservatives; hydrogenated oils and vegetable oils; and alcohol such as beer and wine.


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