
Monday, January 20, 2014

The Best Way to Lose Weight for Women

Losing weight can be one of the most difficult challenges a woman can face. This is especially true for those whose lives are consumed with work, home, kids and a spouse. You may feel as if you just don't have the time to make for you, but the reality is, you do. There are plenty of ways for you to make your weight loss goals a reality, and it isn't as difficult as you may think. It only requires commitment, effort and a little support from those who love you to make it happen.

Start With Your Caloric Intake

    There are a number of diets on the market today; some tell you to count your fat grams, some say the best way to lose weight is to cut your carbs. But if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you need to reduce your caloric intake.

    Traditionally the rule of thumb was to cut every woman's caloric intake to 1,200 a day, regardless of her weight when starting a diet. However the American Dietetic Association has found this unacceptable, because a drastic drop in calories has the opposite effect: It actually causes her to either not lose weight or actually gain weight. Therefore it now suggests that women reduce their caloric intake by no more than 10 calories for every pound they weigh. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, you need to eat 1,400 calories a day to lose weight gradually, which is the safer, more effective means of losing and keeping the weight off permanently. As you begin to lose, adjust the number of calories you eat accordingly.

Determining Your Caloric Intake

    To determine the number of calories you eat in one week, buy a notebook and write down everything you eat. Leave no stone unturned and be completely honest. Write down every drop of ketchup and each tablespoon of butter you cook with. This may seem tedious, but it is the only way for you to see where you need to make adjustments in your diet.

    One important thing to remember is serving size. When you read the label, the number of calories is based on serving size. If there are 15 calories in the butter you are using, those calories may be for one teaspoon, yet you are using three. Therefore you are actually taking in 45 calories, not 15. This is important, because these will add up fast.

Set Realistic Goals

    Many women are not patient. This is especially true when it comes to losing weight. It is imperative, though, to set realistic goals for yourself, goals you know you can reach. Pull out a notebook and make two lists, one for short-term goals and one for long-term goals. These can include the amount of weight you wish to lose by a certain date, the amount of miles you wish to walk in a certain number of weeks, or the changes you wish to make in your diet. Each time you reach a goal, reward yourself. Get your hair or nails done, or buy yourself a new outfit. Read your list frequently, especially on days when you may have strayed; it will keep you motivated to start over and try harder the next day,

Determine Your Healthy Weight

    This can be done one of three ways: You can use the traditional weight chart that is broken down by age, you can calculate your BMI (body mass index) or you can measure your waist.

    Using the traditional weight chart is useful to an extent, but it doesn't tell the whole story. Not every woman is built the same; some are small-boned while others are built larger. Your build plays a significant role in how much you should weigh.

    Your BMI will give you a good starting point as well, but it doesn't account for any muscle mass you may have. When a BMI is calculated, you enter your height and weight, and the system gives you a number; if it is 24 or under, you are safe. If it 25 or higher, you are considered overweight. However if some of your weight is derived from muscle, the calculation may be off. Chances are if you haven't been pumping iron, then your BMI is correct.

    The last is measuring your waist. A woman's waist circumference should be less than 35; if it is higher, it is an indication you are overweight and/or have too much body fat.

Begin Exercising

    Exercise is a great place to start. If you haven't exercised in a while, you should begin slowly, starting with a brisk walk lasting for 15 to 30 minutes. Though this doesn't necessarily put your body into fat-burning mode, it gives your muscles an opportunity to become acclimated to moving again. This should be done three times a week with at least five minutes of warming up before and cooling down after.

    Once you have begun to get used to exercising, begin walking for 30 to 60 minutes a day, three to five days a week. This will provide you with the maximum fat-burning results, so you will lose weight more quickly. You can also change up your routine to make it more exciting; try swimming laps at your local YMCA, take a bike ride, or challenge yourself and go hiking.

    At some point, you may want to include strength training three times a week, every other day. Toning your body helps build muscle and burn fat. The more muscle you build, the faster your metabolism will be and the more fat you will burn. Remember, every pound of muscle gained is a pound of fat lost.

Eat Smaller Meals

    Eating six small meals spaced two hours apart is a terrific way to keep your metabolism burning through the day. Just as a car cannot run without fuel, your body cannot function without food. It gives you the energy you need to keep going through your day.

    The trick is to make smart food choices and keep your portions small. For breakfast you could have a bowl of oatmeal with a piece of fruit, or an egg-white omelet mixed with low-fat cheese, peppers and onions. Two hours later eat low-fat vanilla yogurt topped with raspberries or almonds. For women on the go, smoothies are another tasty, convenient option. Simply throw a handful of ice into your blender along with a cup of low-fat vanilla yogurt, a cup of skim milk, a banana, and a teaspoon of whey protein powder. This makes enough for two servings, so you'll have enough for both breakfast and lunch.

Family Meals

    This can be the biggest downfall for a woman trying to lose weight: She feels like she needs to continue cooking the same meals her family is used to enjoying while she eats a premade meal from a cardboard box. This is not true though.

    If spaghetti is everyone's favorite dish, you can make a few changes that makes it healthy for you and delicious for them. Rather than using regular pasta that is refined, use a whole-grain pasta instead. Rather than prepackaged sauce, saute some sliced green and red peppers in olive oil, along with diced chicken, cook down whole tomatoes and add them to the pan with the chicken and veggies. This makes for a healthier topping and one that is just as pleasing to the palate. It is also a dish you can enjoy as well.


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